It has just been a month or so, since Riot Game revealed the new Summoner's Rift, the 2 minute long video showcased the much awaited visual upgrade of the Summoner's Rift, well Riot Games just did not stop there, as promised to the fans, Riot Games are also updating the Patcher and the Client, The fans have always questioned Riot Games about their service, but people need to understand the process of software development is not a one day game.
The Season 4 World Championship is close, the new Summoner's Rift is expected to be hitting the live servers after the World's, most probably for the pre-season, however the launch of the Patcher and the Client is unknown yet. The replay system are expected to be added to new client during it's release.
With everything on the track, Riot Games released a 6 minutes long Cinematic to the fans, featuring their popular champions, the cinematic looks amazing and captures the essence of league(also Rengar one shot's the ADC, as he should). Cinematic also shows the Champion characteristics, the way they react, fight and move, everything feels like it is the way it should have been. In a battle between two side's, Riot Games ends up as the winner. It is not just a new dawn for the League of Legends, but also for the Riot Games.
Click here,to check out the official website for wallpaper's and stuff..
Also check out the Making video of the cinematic, and keep visiting us for more news on your favourite game.
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